Monday, January 25, 2010

Introduction of Max Interface & its Main Elements For the beginners

Hello Friends,

When you first open 3D Studio Max, you may get confused , with dozens of buttons and tabs, screens and panels. But don't worry; just follow along, and we'll get started on figuring out just what's what.

When we open max,this is what a default UI (User Interface) looks like.(Please see the image attached).

Main Elements of Max Interface:-

Menus:-They are on the top of the Max window.Main menu bar has different drop down menus.
Toolbars:- Max has many toolbars that provide single click access to features. But by default the main toolbar is visible.
Viewports:-It displays the objects from different angles. Four separate views into the screen show Top, Front,,Left,Perspective viewports.
Command Panel: It is on the right of the four viewports.It has many icons which can be clicked to open various options.
Lower Interface Bar:- It is at the bottom of Max window controls Timebar,Time Slider,Trackbar, Zoom buttons etc.

Its important to understand them well, just play around with these buttons & you’ll get familiar with them.
Enough for now, Take Care.

Thought of the day “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself."

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