Thursday, January 28, 2010

Menu Bar of Max Window

Hello Friends,
So, Yesterday We were talking about the elements of Max Interface, Today We’ll talk about the  Menu Bar (just check the image attached).
Menus:-They are on the top of the Max window & the bar is located directly under the Main window’s  Title  Bar. The each title of Menu Bar indicates the purpose of the commands on the particular menu & has different drop down menus.
Main Menu includes the options like:-
File, Edit, Tools,  Group, Views, Create, Modifiers, Animation, GraphEditors, Rendering,Customize,Maxscript & Help.( We’ ll be discussing them in detail later.). These Menu options don’t disappear if not needed.The list will remain there always even when you need them.

Bye for now, Take Care.

                                    Thought for the day

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