Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Todays blog  is for Max users & I m going to tell very interesting thing about User Interface Schemes . In 3ds Max there are some UI Schemes which you can load through 
CustomizeLoad Custom UI Scheme
First of all  open your Drive - Program FilesAutodeskMax2009UI – Here you’ll see many UI files, now what are they?
ame-dark (click on it, just wait for a while, This is how it’ll look like backgrounds, windows, viewports  are dark black)

DefaultUI-ui (This is usually opens by default  when  Max is installed.)

ModularToolbar-ui(click on it , it’ll be loaded in seconds ,This is how it’ll look like.It breaks the main toolbar into many smaller toolbars that are easy to use.)
Well, just to make the interface for comfortable for you

Thought For the day,"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."

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