Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Viewport Rendering Methods

Well, If you right click on any of the viewport label, you ‘ll have this menu or
You can Choose Views menu > Configure > Viewport Configuration dialog > Rendering Method tab.

Smooth + Highlights :- It shows smooth surfaces with lighting highlights because in Max there are some default lights.

Smooth :- It shows smooth surfaces without any lighting effects.

Facets + Highlights :- It shows individual polygon faces & lighting highlights; it means your all the objects will be faceted.

Facets   :- It shows individual polygon faces without any lighting effects.

Flat  :- It shows the entire object using a single color.

Lit wireframe :- It shows polygon edges with lighting effects.

Wireframe :- It shows polygon edges only it means your objects in wires.

Bounding boxes :- It shows a box that would enclose the object .It means your all the objects will be displayed as boxes & used when you have a heavy scene, it really saves your time in rendering.

F3 toggles between smooth + highlight mode & wireframe mode.

F4 is used to see the wireframe on smooth + highlighs objects(edged faces.)

Thought for the day
If someone betrays you once, it's his fault. If he betrays you twice, it's your fault.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quads Panel

Hello to all Max users

First of all let me tell you what is Quad. Press Alt & right click on your screen, you’ll get the Quad menu & you’ll see the four quadrants.
Now how to make your own custom quad menu in Max  just
Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Quads tab
Press New to make New Quad Menu. Give it a name in the New Quad Set, now just select any of the menu & drag & drop items in the different quadrants of your quad,you can save them as .mnu file.
Thought for the day

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Menu Panel

Hello to all Max users
To make your own custom menus just
Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Menu tab
Press New – Give it a name in the New Menu  & save it’s as a .mnu file . What you have to do is simply drag & drop your favourite items or often used commands in it. If you don’t need it, simply delete it.I love this feature coz you can make your own menu with your frequently used stuff.
Just try this.
Thought for the day,
“You will find that silence or very gentle words are the most exquisite revenge for insult.”

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Hello to all Max users
Here you can make your own custom toolbars.Lets say you wanna make a new toolbar of your favourite or mostly used commands, just try using this option,
Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Toolbars tab
Press New – Give it a new name in New Toolbar.
Now choose your frequently used commands & simply drag over your new toolbar.
Thought for the day

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Keyboard Panel

Hello to all Max users ,     
If  you wanna set  the hotkeys in Max just
Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface >  Keyboard Tab  

 The Keyboard panel lets you create your own keyboard shortcuts.& you can choose any command & named it anything in the Hotkey column. If it is already assigned to some other command, max will prompt you to override or by assigning it with another shortcut,,After that  you can save it as a keyboard file(.kbd).
Such a cool feature!Just try to use this, it'll surely increase your work speed.
Have a Good day!
Thought for the day
"Four things can't come  back: the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life and the neglected opportunity."

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Color Panel

Hello to all Max users

Color Panel allows you to customize the look of the software interface.
To make the changes in color just 
Choose Customize menu > Customize User Interface > Colors tab

Now Just select any element & change the color & save it to the default UI & press apply color now.

Quote of the day,"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."

Friday, March 12, 2010


Hello to all Max users,
I really think Sharing is power!
Today I’ll share some information about how to undo , well you must be taking it quite easy but do you know the difference between any changes made in the scene or the viewport.
You can  use Ctrl+Z for Undo and Ctrl+Y for Redo to reverse the effect of scene operations. Most things you do in the program can be undone.
And to reverse the effects of most viewport operations, such as zooming and panning. You can also use Shift+Z for Undo View Change and Shift+Y for Redo View Change.So this was the main difference, just try these hotkeys.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hi Friends,

Well ,some of my students used to ask me about the scope of 3ds Max.And I may not be a Max savvy but a true Max lover.And I always admired the beauty of 3D graphics. Until a few years ago I thought only a few people had the skills and knowledge to create such things.
 I was suprised to find out that Animation industry is the fastest growing industry.  And There will be a huge demand for skilled professionals and you can build a great career by acquiring the right skills. Now a days it is becoming increasingly difficult to land a job.But In animation industry I  bet you won’t have a hard time finding a job.
Thought for the day

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hello to all the Max  heads over there.
Well todays blog is about the Steering Wheel a new feature  in 3ds Max 2009.
Very interesting , handy mouse control tool ! All the navigation tools are combined in a single wheel, just to save your time, Through your wheel you can orbit , Pan, Zoom, to look, walk up, down, top, bottom etc. & even you can rewind all the states you have been into.To display the wheel ,press Shift + W or Just click ViewSteering WheelToggle Steering Wheel .
 And to control the appearance of the wheels  you can change the settings on  
Steering Wheels Panel of the Viewport Configuration dialog.

 So  friends you can quickly access your navigation controls through  this smart wheel.
Thought for the day,
“If you sleep on the floor you are not going to fall off the bed. Stay with the basics.”

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Hello to all the Max users,
So, today I am going to tell you about a  new feature in 3ds max 2009 i.e ViewCube

Like you guyz have many different ways of changing your view, this is also one of them & helps in going to different views or you can switch between Standard & Isometric views. You can use its faces or arrows to select a particular view. 

Now if you don’t find it on your screen simply click 
Views- Viewport ConfigurationViewcube then you can choose the options you really need to make your work better & easier.

Good Day everyone!

Thought for the Max users,"The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle"