Monday, January 10, 2011

An Important tip

Hello to all the Max heads..I hope you must be getting the max lessons very well. And who are the new readers or followers please read my older posts so you can get it along well. 

Todays tip for max users to speed up your work  is , Lets say you are working on a huge model with lots of complex textures & heavy meshes & these sort of complex scenes take a lot of time to display & render. One thing you  guyz can do to avoid  this type of chaos is just set the different rendering settings for the Active Viewport, All Viewports or All but Active Viewport in the Viewport Configuration Dialog Box, because if every viewport is set to display the highest quality view then updating each viewport can slow the program.
And still if you ever get stuck in the halfway  to complete a task  just press the Esc key to suspend any task immediately..

Quote of the day,"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself ."

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