Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boolean Operations(3ds Max)

Hello to all the Max heads, Today  I am posting my blog on the topic;
Boolean Operations 

3d Boolean operations use additive & subtractive techniques. It always work on two objects. The first object that you select is called operand A. The second object is called operand B. The type of Boolean operations  and the position of the objects determine the final result.

Union  – It combines both operands into one object & removes intersecting faces.
Subtraction- (A-B)- Subtracts the volume of operand B  from the volume of the operand A.
Subtraction-(B-A)- Subtracts the volume of operand A from the volume of operand B.
Intersection- Deletes the non intersecting volume of the two operands & uses the faces of the interpenetrating surfaces to build a new object.
Cut – Cut opens the surface of operand A with the volume of operand B.

Quote of the day,"He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would accomplish much must sacrifice much”.

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