Saturday, July 3, 2010


Cloning  creates duplicate objects that look exactly like the original. They can be created singly or in multiples. When combined with transforms, cloning is an incredibly tool. 

Three basic clone types:

Copy:- Copy is the exact replica or a duplicate object that you can modify without affecting the original object. The new copies maintain no ties to the original object & is a unique object on its own. Any changes to the copy donot effect the original object & vice versa.

Instance:- An instance  is a duplicate object that shares all its creation parameters & modifiers with the original.All the instances are interconnected so that any geometric modification to any single instance changes all the instances.
(Make Unique button is used to break the tie between the objects)

Reference :- A reference is a duplicate object that shares all its creation parameters but only some of its modifiers with the original & its instances. They inherit changes from their parent objects but do not affect the parent when modified. They get all the modifier applied to the parent &can have their own modifiers as well.

Quote of the day'I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful."

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