Monday, January 3, 2011


Hello to all the Max users,
Today's post is no doubt not at all for the beginners, please read my older posts on max so that you can get along the concepts very well.

Terrains are 3d models that you make from contour line data. Terrains create landscapes for building sites,shadow  studies, grading plans and games.

To create a terrain:-
Import  contour lines or create your own set of splines.
Make sure all the splines are attached as one object.
Open the Create -- Geometry-- Compound Objects--Terrain.
Now the contuor lines are skimmed i.e a surface forms over them & turned into terrain.
You can assign colors to each level of the terrain in color by elevation.

Thought for the day,

Maybe some people aren’t meant to be in our lives forever. Maybe some are just passing through to teach us a lesson

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