Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Perform a Boolean operation

To perform a Boolean operation:-
First of all select two objects so that they intersect.

Select the object you want to operate on & 
In the create panel, open the Geometry sub panel &
 choose Compound Objects
Then Click Boolean

Now in the Boolean rollout, the selected object is already assigned to operand A
Now choose the operation e.g Subtraction(A-B)
Click the option Pick Operand B & click the intersecting object.
The final result would be:

Quote of the day

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boolean Operations(3ds Max)

Hello to all the Max heads, Today  I am posting my blog on the topic;
Boolean Operations 

3d Boolean operations use additive & subtractive techniques. It always work on two objects. The first object that you select is called operand A. The second object is called operand B. The type of Boolean operations  and the position of the objects determine the final result.

Union  – It combines both operands into one object & removes intersecting faces.
Subtraction- (A-B)- Subtracts the volume of operand B  from the volume of the operand A.
Subtraction-(B-A)- Subtracts the volume of operand A from the volume of operand B.
Intersection- Deletes the non intersecting volume of the two operands & uses the faces of the interpenetrating surfaces to build a new object.
Cut – Cut opens the surface of operand A with the volume of operand B.

Quote of the day,"He who would accomplish little must sacrifice little; he who would accomplish much must sacrifice much”.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello to all the 3ds Max Users.I hope you must be getting the max lessons very well. And who are the new readers or followers please read my older posts so you can get it along well. I hope these posts will work out for all the basic learners & it will help you understand the concepts better so read my upcoming sections thouroughly. The more you’ll learn about the Max here, the more you’ll feel at home. 
Todays post is on the topic Section

To get the section just choose

  1.  Create panel and choose Shapes

Click Section

Drag a rectangle in the viewport,

The Section object appears as a simple rectangle with crossed lines indicating its center.

The Section object appears as a bisected rectangle. You simply move and rotate it to slice through the object, and then click the Create Shape button to generate a shape based on the 2D intersection.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Replace Command

 Using the Replace command you can substitute an object in your scene with another object by the same name that is saved in another scene. The substitute object takes on the properties and animation data of the object it replaces. This allows you to animate your scene faster using simple objects and then substitute complex objects later when you have developed them.
To Replace objects in a scene:-
Open a scene file 

Choose File - Replace

In the Replace dialog box open the scene that has the object you want to substitute into your file.If the file you want to open does not have an object with the same name as an object in your current scene, you will not be able to access the file.

Select the object you want to replace

The Replace materials dialog box appears

Click yes to replace materials along with the objects or No to bring in objects only.

The replacement objects appear in the scene. 

Quote of the day,Life's short. If you don't look around once in a while, you might miss it.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Shape Merge

Shape Merge command is used to embed shapes in a mesh surface or to cut shapes out of it . The faces, vertices and edges created by embedded shapes are automatically selected at the sub object level so that you can easily extrude, bevel or assign material to them.

To perform a ShapeMerge Operation:-
Position a shape  over the surface of a mesh object.

Select the mesh object.

Open the Create Panel & choose Geometry-- Compound Objects--ShapeMerge

Choose a clone type & click Pick Shape, then click the shape.
The shape is embedded in the surface of the mesh.

Choose Cookie Cutter to cut the area enclosed by the shape out of the mesh surface. 

Check Invert to cut the surface away from the embedded shape area.

Choose Merge to embed the shape with the object(Convert it into Editable poly, select its face and extrude)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Import/Export Command

Use the Import and Export commands to exchange geometry with other 3d modeling programs.

To Import a File:
Choose File > Import
The Select File to Imort dialog box appears
Select a file format from the Files of Type menu.

Double click the name  of the file you want to import.
Click ok to accept the default settings .

The imported file appears on the screen.

To export a file:
Choose File > Export.
The Selected File to Export dialog box appears.
Select an export file format from the Save As Type menu.
Choose a directory to hold the exported file.
Name the file & click save.