Monday, January 18, 2010

Hello Friends,

If you TRY, you can do anything! It’s always been my belief that you cannot put information in other people's heads. If you find a way to show them something, they can use their own intelligence to learn. This is my approach to teaching, trying to be both informative while allowing the students to find their own way of learning. 3ds Max(for Architectural Visuliazation) is certainly challenging, but you can master it. Take every chance to improve it….....the opportunities are all around. While you are learning, give yourself time to play with this program, explore it, let the things blow up on you & you 'll learn from the experience.
Have fun with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote of the day, “There are two types of people - those who come into a room and say "Well, here I am!" and those who come in and say "Ah, there you are!"

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