Monday, February 1, 2010

Command Panel

Hello Friends,
Well, Today We’ll talk about the Command Panel which is located to the right of the viewports.
So, this is my favourite place where I spend all of my time . It is split into six tabs which has many features of Max like Modelling ,Modification, Animation features, Display options, Motion, utilities etc. Here  are  many commands &  you just have to nose around & find what you want & what for.Several of the menu & toolbar commands are also found over here & you can execute the commands from here also.

Create Panel contains commands for creating parametric objects & is the first step in building a new scene.From here we place basic objects like geometry,shapes ,light & camera etc.

Modify Panel contains the commands for reshaping the objects & changing the final appearance of the objects.

Hierarchy Panel contains commands for manipulating linked objects & by linking one object with another & Parent Child relationship can be created.

Motion Panel contains the commands for controlling motion &  for assigning animation controllers.

Display Panel controls the display of objects. It is used to hide,  unhide, freeze, unfreeze the objects &  to change the display properties etc. 

 Utilities Panel contains a miscellaneous assortment of tools.

Wrapping up for now. Good Day!
                                      Thought for the day

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