Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Viewport Navigation Controls

 Hello Friends , Today we'll discuss about the Viewport Navigation Controls.
Here some shortcut keys for the commands.

Alt + Z                         Zoom Mode
Alt + Ctrl + Z               Zoom Extents
Shift  + Ctrl + Z         Zoom Extent All
Z                              Zoom Extents Selected All
Ctrl + W                   Zoom Region Mode
Ctrl + P / I                Pan View
Ctrl + R                   Arc Rotate
Alt + W                   Min/Max Toggle

Viewport Navigation Controls Buttons : It is located in the lower right corner of the interface. It helps in zooming,Panning & Rotating the active viewports views. It is the easiest way of controlling the viewport with mouse with a scroll wheel i.e a middle mouse button.
                            Thought for the day

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