Friday, February 5, 2010

Lower Interface Bar

Today we’ll learn about the other elements of Lower Interface Bar

Time Slider
                                                                                     It shows the current frame  & spans the number of frames included in the animation
&  lets you move quickly between frames..

Key Controls
Key Controls are used for creating animation keys. To add motion Max has comlete keyframe animation capabilities.When the objects are at different positions at different frames & the series of frames are played together, the objects appear to be in motion.

Time Control

    Time Control helps you to move through the various animation frames & keys.

Prompt Line 


Prompt Line prompts you for information on whatever Max wants.

Status Bar

It provides the information regarding transformation values  & the type of objects selected, Grid size etc.

Track bar 
 It is the sort of timeline showing the frame numbers  & animation keys.

Thought for the day, "Justifying a fault doubles it."

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