Friday, July 30, 2010

Selection sets

Hello friends,
If you want to be able to select the same set of objects over and over again, consider assigning them to a named selection set. Really a cool way of selecting your object.

To Create a named selection set:-
Select the objects you want to assign to the set.
In the main tool bar enter a name for the set in the Named Selection Set field.
Press Enter to save the set..
To Select a Named Selection set:-
Choose a selection set from the Named Selection Set menu.
The objects in the set are selected.
To Edit the set:-
If you want to manage your sets,(To add or subtract objects from a named selection set,) you can simply go to Edit---Manage Selection Sets

or click on this button.

Quote of the “A true friend stabs you in the front.”

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Modifiers change the structure and appearance of objects. You can bend, twist,taper,ripple,wave, lathe & extrude objects. Objects can be squeezed,sliced, stretched or smoothed.You can apply multiple modifiers  to obtain desired results. 
And you can also turn off,rearrange or remove modifiers from the stack. 

Modifier command is found in the Modifier  command panel or the Modifier List which is a drop down menu of all the modifiers that can be applied to the current selection.

Remove modifier from the stack   Deletes the current modifier from the stack.

Thought for the day

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Mirror command creates an inverted clone of the selected object about the current coordinate system. i.e mirror reflects an object along one or two of its axes.

            To mirror an object:-
             Select an object.

From the main  tool bar , choose the mirror tool .

The mirror dialog box appears.

Choose a mirror axis, or use the default
Enter an offset value to specify how far away the mirrored objects will be.
Choose  a clone type or choose No Clone to mirror the original object.

So, Within the mirror dialog box you can specify an axis or plane about which to mirror the selected object. You can also define an offset value.

Quote of the day,
"Remember that life's most treasured moments
                              often come unannounced. "       
Have a beautiful rainy day!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Renderable Splines

Renderable Splines
Normally Splines are 2D and do not show up in the rendered images but using the Renderable option & assigning thickness to the spline make it appear in the rendered image.
To make a spline curve more smoothly, we can increase the number  of steps in its segments.
 Adaptive :It is used to make the program do this automatically.

Thought for the day,
People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Cloning  creates duplicate objects that look exactly like the original. They can be created singly or in multiples. When combined with transforms, cloning is an incredibly tool. 

Three basic clone types:

Copy:- Copy is the exact replica or a duplicate object that you can modify without affecting the original object. The new copies maintain no ties to the original object & is a unique object on its own. Any changes to the copy donot effect the original object & vice versa.

Instance:- An instance  is a duplicate object that shares all its creation parameters & modifiers with the original.All the instances are interconnected so that any geometric modification to any single instance changes all the instances.
(Make Unique button is used to break the tie between the objects)

Reference :- A reference is a duplicate object that shares all its creation parameters but only some of its modifiers with the original & its instances. They inherit changes from their parent objects but do not affect the parent when modified. They get all the modifier applied to the parent &can have their own modifiers as well.

Quote of the day'I've never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful."