Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Save your Custom UI Schemes

Dear Friends , 
Today blog is for Max users.Yesterday I told you how to load the CUI Schemes for you, you can make your own & save them for future use.
                                    Custom UI Schemes are saved with the .ui extension using
Customize- Save Customize UI Scheme.

Customize your interface by making any desired changes like you want to dock the command panel to left side  & your toolbars to right side or whatever you feel like doing to make your interface more comfortable .Just save it & you can load it anytime. You can switch over to the default UI at any time you  wish.

Quote of the day,"    Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so.. Love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't."

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Todays blog  is for Max users & I m going to tell very interesting thing about User Interface Schemes . In 3ds Max there are some UI Schemes which you can load through 
CustomizeLoad Custom UI Scheme
First of all  open your Drive - Program FilesAutodeskMax2009UI – Here you’ll see many UI files, now what are they?
ame-dark (click on it, just wait for a while, This is how it’ll look like backgrounds, windows, viewports  are dark black)

DefaultUI-ui (This is usually opens by default  when  Max is installed.)

ModularToolbar-ui(click on it , it’ll be loaded in seconds ,This is how it’ll look like.It breaks the main toolbar into many smaller toolbars that are easy to use.)
Well, just to make the interface for comfortable for you

Thought For the day,"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Open the Saved File

Hello to all the Max Heads,
If you want to open any of your saved file in 3ds Max, you can choose FileOpen (Ctrl + O).  I know these are very basic commands & are used in all the softwares but as we have to start from somewhere. I would like to discuss everything step by step.

Your latest saved file in new version can’t  be opened in the previous version of Max. If you want to see the most recently  opened scenes, you can check in the 
File--Open Recent Submenu.

I am sure everybody knows hows to get out of the program i.e Choose FileExit command to exit the program..Max will ask you to save the file before quitting.
Quote of the day,
Happy Sunday

Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to Save your file In 3ds Max?

Hello friends,

Today’s blog is for 3dsMax users. After you are done with your work in 3ds Max,you need to save your scene as a file. Until you save a file, it remains untitled. To save it choose FileSave ( Ctrl + S). & it will be saved as .max extension.

I don’t forget to press this ( Ctrl + S) often , to avoid any kind of loss of work & I m sure you guyz too must be doing this frequently.

Thought  for the day,"There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Creating New File

Hello friends,

Todays post is for 3ds Max users. When you open the Max Window, a new scene opens. To start a new scene at any time , you can use the File MenuNew  (Ctrl+ N).

When you start a new scene, Max deletes the current scene but asks whether you want to keep the objects or want everything new & you can keep the current objects or select New all. & it maintains all the current interface settings.

Reset sets the system to 3ds Max default values &  erases all existing data.

To reset the interface choose File Menu Reset.

  Thought for the day

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Infocenter ToolBar

Hello Friends,
Today I am going to explain about is the Info Center. 

Bydefault Infocenter toolbar is displayed always. Now if you don’t see the Info center on your screen. Simply go to Customize  - Show UI - Show Floating Bars & many toolbars ‘ll open,, Just close everything else except for the InfoCenter & simply drag & drop it over the Max window so it docks. It is really cool as it allows you to search for some help related topics with Max.
Bye for now!

Thought for the day,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

For those who are willing to make an effort, great miracles and wonderful treasures are in store.

Hi There!
Thanx for the positive responses. 

I hope , now all the Max heads who are reading my posts continuously are getting along well & hit it off.But its just a drop In bucket.& those who are just the beginners & are not making heads & tails of the Max screen, just read my previous postings on Max Interface. I hope these posts will work out for all the basic learners & it will help you understand the concepts better so read my upcoming sections thouroughly. The more you’ll learn about the Max here, the  more you’ll feel at home. 

Bye for now!

Thought for the day,"You have to put in many, many, many tiny efforts that nobody sees or appreciates before you achieve anything worthwhile."

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

For Configuring the Viewport Display Area


I don’t find anything wrong with the default layout of viewports that is its four equally sized viewports but Max offers you several layouts as alternatives & you may want to change it.So the Layout Panel of the Viewport Configuration Dialog Box contains many layout options for you. To get this dialog box choose Views Ã Viewport Configuration Menu & you may choose any layout option according to your requirements.

Thought for the day,

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Viewports Hotkeys

Hello Friends Today's post is based on Viewports  Keyboard shortcuts:-
Top View                                   T   
Bottom view                              B

Front View                                F

Left View                                  L

Perspective View                       P

Isometric User View                  U

Camera View                            C
(If there is any camera in the scene)

Light View                                 $
(If there is any light in the scene)

Viewport Popup Menu                V
(It lets you select a new view & To change to your favourite view)

Min/Max. Toggle Viewport            Alt + W
(It is used to expand the active viewport to fill the space reserved for all the four viewports)

Expert Mode                                  Ctrl +  X
(It maximizes the viewport space by removing the Toolbars, the Command Panel & most of the Lower Interface Bar.)

Quote of the day,"Out of suffering comes creativity. You cannot spell painting without pain."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

So friends, till now we were taking a look at parts of the environment of 3D Studio Max and helping you to get more familiar with the tool panels, how to navigate them, and how to use the sets of basic tools you'll need to begin your work. In the next posts, we’ll go over the individual buttons & commands. Today I’ m revising the User Interface again..The 3ds UI provides many ways to do the same work.When we open max,this is what a default UI (User Interface) looks like.

 You can hide & float (toolbars), resize (viewport windows) and rearrange (toolbars,menubars & command panel),  & the UI elements into your own personal or customized design. .It means if you don’t like the current interface, you can change it to be exactly what you want.
Thought for the day

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lower Interface Bar

Today we’ll learn about the other elements of Lower Interface Bar

Time Slider
                                                                                     It shows the current frame  & spans the number of frames included in the animation
&  lets you move quickly between frames..

Key Controls
Key Controls are used for creating animation keys. To add motion Max has comlete keyframe animation capabilities.When the objects are at different positions at different frames & the series of frames are played together, the objects appear to be in motion.

Time Control

    Time Control helps you to move through the various animation frames & keys.

Prompt Line 


Prompt Line prompts you for information on whatever Max wants.

Status Bar

It provides the information regarding transformation values  & the type of objects selected, Grid size etc.

Track bar 
 It is the sort of timeline showing the frame numbers  & animation keys.

Thought for the day, "Justifying a fault doubles it."

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Viewport Navigation Controls

 Hello Friends , Today we'll discuss about the Viewport Navigation Controls.
Here some shortcut keys for the commands.

Alt + Z                         Zoom Mode
Alt + Ctrl + Z               Zoom Extents
Shift  + Ctrl + Z         Zoom Extent All
Z                              Zoom Extents Selected All
Ctrl + W                   Zoom Region Mode
Ctrl + P / I                Pan View
Ctrl + R                   Arc Rotate
Alt + W                   Min/Max Toggle

Viewport Navigation Controls Buttons : It is located in the lower right corner of the interface. It helps in zooming,Panning & Rotating the active viewports views. It is the easiest way of controlling the viewport with mouse with a scroll wheel i.e a middle mouse button.
                            Thought for the day

Monday, February 1, 2010

Command Panel

Hello Friends,
Well, Today We’ll talk about the Command Panel which is located to the right of the viewports.
So, this is my favourite place where I spend all of my time . It is split into six tabs which has many features of Max like Modelling ,Modification, Animation features, Display options, Motion, utilities etc. Here  are  many commands &  you just have to nose around & find what you want & what for.Several of the menu & toolbar commands are also found over here & you can execute the commands from here also.

Create Panel contains commands for creating parametric objects & is the first step in building a new scene.From here we place basic objects like geometry,shapes ,light & camera etc.

Modify Panel contains the commands for reshaping the objects & changing the final appearance of the objects.

Hierarchy Panel contains commands for manipulating linked objects & by linking one object with another & Parent Child relationship can be created.

Motion Panel contains the commands for controlling motion &  for assigning animation controllers.

Display Panel controls the display of objects. It is used to hide,  unhide, freeze, unfreeze the objects &  to change the display properties etc. 

 Utilities Panel contains a miscellaneous assortment of tools.

Wrapping up for now. Good Day!
                                      Thought for the day